Author -> Shiv Mangal Singh
Date -> 25 th July - 2017
Description -> This Script will generate the calculated columns details with HTML tags across List for all SharePoint 2013 site collection at WebApplication Level
Path of csv file -->$FileUrl = "D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\CalculatedColumns_Report_WebApplication_24jul17_ABC.CSV"
$currentLogPath ="D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\logerror_24jul17_ABC.txt"
Tenant Site URL --> $WebAppURL = "https://ABC.MS.contoso.net/"
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function GetSPFieldDetailsForAllLists($WebAppURL)
############################*************************** Creating Header TAB for Report ##########**********************************************
#Logs and prints error messages
function LogError([String] $ErrorMessage, [String]$ErrorDetails, [String]$ErrorPosition)
Write-Host $ErrorMessage -foregroundcolor red
$fullErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage + $ErrorDetails + ". " + $ErrorPosition
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") ERROR: $fullErrorMessage" | Out-File -FilePath $currentLogPath -Append -Force
#Logs and prints messages
function LogMessage([String] $Msg)
Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Message: $Msg" | Out-File -FilePath $currentLogPath -Append -Force
$FileUrl = "D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\CalculatedColumns_Report_WebApplication_24jul17_ABC.CSV"
$currentLogPath ="D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\logerror_24jul17_ABC.txt"
"Site Url `t Site Owner `t Owner Email `t List URL `t List `t Field Name `t Field Type `t HTML Tag " | Out-File $FileUrl
#$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteCollectionURL) #Change site URL#
$SiteCollections = Get-SPSite -Webapplication $WebAppURL -Limit All
#Loop throuh all Site collection
foreach($Site in $SiteCollections)
# Looping through Each sites
foreach($web in $Site.AllWebs)
$SiteOwner =@()
$OwnerEmail =@()
foreach($group in $web.Groups)
if($group.Name -like "*Owners*")
foreach($user in $group.Users)
$SiteOwner += $user.Name + ";"
$OwnerEmail+=$user.Email + ";"
#Write-Host $web.Url `t $web.SiteAdministrators -ForegroundColor Cyan
$requiredlists=$web.Lists | where{$_.Hidden -eq $false -or $web.Lists -ne $null}
foreach ($list in $requiredlists) #Get all list in web
$requiredFields = $list.Fields | where {$_.Hidden -eq $false -or $list.Fields -ne $null}
foreach ($field in $requiredFields) #Get all fields in lists
if(($field.Type -eq "Calculated") -and ($field.hidden -eq $false) -and ($field.formula -like "*<*>*</*>*") -or ($field.formula -like "*<*>*"))
$fieldFormula=($field.formula).replace("`n", "")
Write-Host "List Name: " $list.Title ##Print List title
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Field Name | Field Title " -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host $field.Type `t $field.Title `t $fieldFormula -ForegroundColor Green
#Send the Data to CSV file
"$($web.Url) `t $($SiteOwner) `t $($OwnerEmail) `t $($list.ParentWeb.Url)/$($list.RootFolder.Url) `t $($list.Title) `t $($field.Title) `t $($field.Type) `t $($fieldFormula)" | Out-File $FileUrl -Append
} #$field foreach loop closing
} #$list foreach closing loop
} #$web foreach closing loop
# try loop
write-host "for web catch" $web.Url -ForegroundColor Red
# Exception handling in log file
if($_.Exception.Message -like '*(401) Unauthorized*' -or $_.Exception.Message -like '*Access denied*')
LogMessage("You need permission to access this site: "+ $web.Url)
elseif($_.Exception.Message -like '*List does not exist' -or $_.Exception.Message -like '*Invalid file name')
LogMessage("You need permission to access this site or list does not exist or Invalid file name: "+$requiredlists +$requiredFields)
LogError $_.Exception.Message $_.Exception.GetType().FullName $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
if($_.Exception.Message -like '*(401) Unauthorized*' -or $_.Exception.Message -like '*Access denied*')
LogMessage("You need permission to access this site: "+ $Site.Url)
LogError $_.Exception.Message $_.Exception.GetType().FullName $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
}#$Site collection foreach closing loop
# calling function and provided Web Application URL as a parameter
GetSPFieldDetailsForAllLists "https://ABC.MS.contoso.net/"
Author -> Shiv Mangal Singh
Date -> 25 th July - 2017
Description -> This Script will generate the calculated columns details with HTML tags across List for all SharePoint 2013 site collection at WebApplication Level
Path of csv file -->$FileUrl = "D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\CalculatedColumns_Report_WebApplication_24jul17_ABC.CSV"
$currentLogPath ="D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\logerror_24jul17_ABC.txt"
Tenant Site URL --> $WebAppURL = "https://ABC.MS.contoso.net/"
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function GetSPFieldDetailsForAllLists($WebAppURL)
############################*************************** Creating Header TAB for Report ##########**********************************************
#Logs and prints error messages
function LogError([String] $ErrorMessage, [String]$ErrorDetails, [String]$ErrorPosition)
Write-Host $ErrorMessage -foregroundcolor red
$fullErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage + $ErrorDetails + ". " + $ErrorPosition
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") ERROR: $fullErrorMessage" | Out-File -FilePath $currentLogPath -Append -Force
#Logs and prints messages
function LogMessage([String] $Msg)
Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Message: $Msg" | Out-File -FilePath $currentLogPath -Append -Force
$FileUrl = "D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\CalculatedColumns_Report_WebApplication_24jul17_ABC.CSV"
$currentLogPath ="D:\contosoMW_Team\Shiv\PS\UsersPermission\logerror_24jul17_ABC.txt"
"Site Url `t Site Owner `t Owner Email `t List URL `t List `t Field Name `t Field Type `t HTML Tag " | Out-File $FileUrl
#$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteCollectionURL) #Change site URL#
$SiteCollections = Get-SPSite -Webapplication $WebAppURL -Limit All
#Loop throuh all Site collection
foreach($Site in $SiteCollections)
# Looping through Each sites
foreach($web in $Site.AllWebs)
$SiteOwner =@()
$OwnerEmail =@()
foreach($group in $web.Groups)
if($group.Name -like "*Owners*")
foreach($user in $group.Users)
$SiteOwner += $user.Name + ";"
$OwnerEmail+=$user.Email + ";"
#Write-Host $web.Url `t $web.SiteAdministrators -ForegroundColor Cyan
$requiredlists=$web.Lists | where{$_.Hidden -eq $false -or $web.Lists -ne $null}
foreach ($list in $requiredlists) #Get all list in web
$requiredFields = $list.Fields | where {$_.Hidden -eq $false -or $list.Fields -ne $null}
foreach ($field in $requiredFields) #Get all fields in lists
if(($field.Type -eq "Calculated") -and ($field.hidden -eq $false) -and ($field.formula -like "*<*>*</*>*") -or ($field.formula -like "*<*>*"))
$fieldFormula=($field.formula).replace("`n", "")
Write-Host "List Name: " $list.Title ##Print List title
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Field Name | Field Title " -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host $field.Type `t $field.Title `t $fieldFormula -ForegroundColor Green
#Send the Data to CSV file
"$($web.Url) `t $($SiteOwner) `t $($OwnerEmail) `t $($list.ParentWeb.Url)/$($list.RootFolder.Url) `t $($list.Title) `t $($field.Title) `t $($field.Type) `t $($fieldFormula)" | Out-File $FileUrl -Append
} #$field foreach loop closing
} #$list foreach closing loop
} #$web foreach closing loop
# try loop
write-host "for web catch" $web.Url -ForegroundColor Red
# Exception handling in log file
if($_.Exception.Message -like '*(401) Unauthorized*' -or $_.Exception.Message -like '*Access denied*')
LogMessage("You need permission to access this site: "+ $web.Url)
elseif($_.Exception.Message -like '*List does not exist' -or $_.Exception.Message -like '*Invalid file name')
LogMessage("You need permission to access this site or list does not exist or Invalid file name: "+$requiredlists +$requiredFields)
LogError $_.Exception.Message $_.Exception.GetType().FullName $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
if($_.Exception.Message -like '*(401) Unauthorized*' -or $_.Exception.Message -like '*Access denied*')
LogMessage("You need permission to access this site: "+ $Site.Url)
LogError $_.Exception.Message $_.Exception.GetType().FullName $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
}#$Site collection foreach closing loop
# calling function and provided Web Application URL as a parameter
GetSPFieldDetailsForAllLists "https://ABC.MS.contoso.net/"
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